Option 1 
A programme supporting young people to evaluate risk and build resilience and skills to combat peer pressure and to make informed decisions.
This programme will help young people to identify areas of risk in social situations, identify risks associated with alcohol and drugs, and recognise the risks involved when using the internet and social media. They will gain techniques for coping with peer pressure and understand what help and support is available and how to access it.
Option 2

A programme designed to engage young people involved in, or at risk of, engaging in crime and antisocial behaviour (ASB).
This programme helps to address and reduce young people’s involvement in ASB and crime, helping them to resolve issues that are a barrier to progression. It provides them with quality information and support, access to opportunities and knowledge of positive pathways to improve their future life chances.
Option 3 
A programme that works with young people at risk of involvement in child criminal exploitation (CCE), gangs and/or serious violence.
This programme offers young people the opportunity to engage in groupwork sessions looking at:
- County lines
- Gangs
- Knife and gun crime
- Healthy relationships
- Drugs and alcohol
- Social media
- Citizen aid